

We have an annual strength of 1150 students studying from Nursery to 10th Standard. Many of these children come from disadvantaged backgrounds where hardworking parents are often in the low pay sector. The children are generally first-generation learners with little educational support. Keeping fees as low as possible is at the heart of our ethos, and though they offer realistic affordability some students cannot afford even this minimum and drop out of school. To prevent this we offer students in need further subsidies and scholarships. We have a 4 level vetting process for evaluating the need that involves the class teacher, head mistress trustees and a home visit.
We started the ‘Free-ship/Scholarship programme in 2016 with 25 students initially receiving assistance. With generous private donors we have been able to increase this to around 55-60 students every year. As a result student drop outs have been dramatically reduced and we have been able to keep in education children who would otherwise have vanished from the system and many of the their options, and life opportunities would have vanished with them.